Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Decision Updates

I met today with the Area Director over the Hampton Inn Naperville.  Last week he had indicated a desire to speed up my application process so I thought maybe he would be bringing an official offer to the table but this was not the case.  Too many things happening for him right now so the timing of my offer just isn't right, give it a couple more weeks and we will start moving forward then.  So... I remain in Naperville as the Task Force GM through the end of this month and part way into next month.  Which is basically what I was expecting when I first came out here and not the main reason for this post.

While shopping for some odds and ends this evening I received a call from a social worker covering Savannah, TN wanting to perform a home inspection.  I haven't had one in half a year now and am WAY overdue.  Of course, being in Naperville makes this rather difficult and after explaining my situation and listening to her terse and, to be honest, annoyed response, I came to the sad but firm conclusion that it was time for me to give up on my attempt at becoming a foster parent. 

I am very lucky blessed.  I have not been treated poorly by my friends and family.  I have been trusted with their children from time to time and, to a small degree, have been able to experience the joy that comes from being around children.  I love all of the little ones (some not so little anymore) in my life and have to point out something that may not be said nearly enough...  you Moms and Dads are doing a TERRIFIC job!  I don't think I need to mention how precious they are, I see that enough in your eyes when you hold them and care for them.  So Thank You for being the examples you are to them and to me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that some people are narrow mindedly weird when it comes to matching foster children to good homes. You would be a wonderful parent to any child, Dan, and I firmly believe there will come a time when you will have the opportunity to prove that. Hang in there. In the meantime, enjoy Naperville and good luck with juggling everything in two states while managing a head cold! You are an awesome man!
