Monday, April 14, 2014

One Decision Made

Along with all the activities going on over the past few weeks I have been smack dab in the middle of deciding about pursuing the job opportunity for me in Naperville, IL.  I have been at this hotel now for a week and have spent a great deal of time driving to and from downtown Chicago to spend some priceless time with my parents.  I did find some time to drive around the city of Naperville and I have gotten to know the staff at this property while also getting the big picture on what it is going to take to get this hotel to perform at the levels it is expected to perform.  I have tried out several restaurants, experienced some cold weather (this week, not last, and nowhere near as cold as it will get in the true winter months), and checked the baseball schedules to see when my Red Sox will be in town (this week if you were wondering, and I wont be going as there are more important things for me to do).  Then end result is....

I have decided to go for it. 

There are still lots of things that have to happen before an official offer is made and accepted but I am now officially working towards that goal and, barring some unexpected situation, I expect to be moving to the Chicago area in May.


  1. Hooray for you and a fun change.

  2. And a cold change! It is SNOWING today!!! And not your ho hum little flurry... we are talking half a FOOT and counting snow fall! OK, maybe I am exaggerating a bit, I have been in Southern TN for 3 years after all. But after the 70 degree weather last week I was definitely not expecting snow this week!

  3. Not to rain on your parade but I was totally expecting snow again. It is usually not warm here until Memorial Day weekend. We never saw 70 at my house last week...closer to 55 but that is because we are by the lake, but even that was more than I expected in April. However, I LOVE where I live and it will be fun to have family so close. I won't tell my kids until it is completely official but believe me they are already asking hourly if you are moving here. You will have to get a Six Flags season pass. There is so much to do here. I think you will love it! Also, just know that I will now be inviting you to ballet recitals and skating shows and other boring kid stuff, but you can always say no. I promise I won't be offended.

  4. I talked with my new boss after posting this and, outside of getting the official letter offer it is official. He is going to try and speed the process so that he can get some stability at this property. I am excited (cold weather and all), and definitely send the invitations, if I can make it I will be there and I am not afraid of saying no when I can't or don't want to. As for Six Flags... absolutely!! I am going to talk to the GM of the Hampton Inn there and see if he can hook me up with any specials once I get the "official" offer letter.

  5. Even without a discount, a season pass to Six Flags is only $70. Maybe the hotel has free tickets but if you plan to go a few times, a season pass is only a couple dollars more than the cost of a one day ticket so it's a great value. Let us know when it is officially official and when you are moving out.

  6. I'm guessing you pretty much are moved out. You just need to get the rest of your things out there and hand over the keys at the other property. We're so excited to have you live within visiting distance of relatives to help share all the fun times! I'll have to start checking out bargain flights and book some weekends in advance, now that you live close enough to an airport that it doesn't take forever and a day to get to where your hotel is. Maybe Ann and I can even come out together sometimes.

  7. I still have a lot left in Savannah, but a "lot" for me is not that much in all reality. The biggest challenge I will face is finding a place to live that meets all my criteria. I have a real estate agent working for me now, will see what she turns up. She keeps hinting at wanting me to buy instead of rent... and at the rental prices out here I am beginning to wonder if I shouldn't do it.
